Friday, April 24, 2009

SMS Discovery Data Manager error

4:33 PM
sjones925 -> SMS Discovery Data Manager (1/18/2006 10:02:16 AM)

I am seeing the following errors for Discovery Data Manager now, any ideas?

Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 50000, severity 15: [42000][50000][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The GUID cannot be changed once set. : MachineIdGroupXRef_upd

Please refer to your SMS documentation, SQL documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.

SMS Discovery Data Manager failed to process the discovery data record (DDR) " " , because it cannot update the data source.

Possible cause: On a Primary site, it is probably a SQL Server problem.
1. Review the immediately preceding status messages from this component about SQL Server errors.
2. Verify that this computer can reach the SQL Server computer.
3. Verify that SQL Server services are running.
4. Verify that SMS can access the SMS site database.
5. Verify that the SMS site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full.
6. Verify that there are at least 50 SQL Server user connections, plus 5 for each SMS Administrator console.

If the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs.

Possible cause: On a secondary site, SMS Discovery Data Manager probably cannot write to a file on the site server, so check for low disk space on the site server.
Solution: Make more space available on the site server.


sjones925 -> RE: SMS Discovery Data Manager (1/19/2006 11:21:55 AM)

I aslo have these errors in SMS Inventory Data Loader

SMS Inventory Data Loader failed to process the delta MIF file " Xr18hvq7b.MIF" because the file does not have a corresponding discovery record. SMS Inventory Data Loader has moved this file to the Orphans directory as file " E:\SMS\inboxes\auth\\ORPHANS\qu1sl1fs.MIF" and will retry processing it within 10 minutes.

Possible cause: The delta MIF file came from an SMS 1.2 site, and these sites do not have discovery agents.
Solution: Verify that the delta MIF file is from a 1.2 site. If so, do nothing.

Possible cause: Discovery Data Manager is not running.
Solution: Stop and restart Discovery Data Manager. You can use SMS Service Manager, which is invoked from the SMS Administrator console, to stop and start components.


sjones925 -> RE: SMS Discovery Data Manager (1/25/2006 2:02:13 PM)

Thought I would post the resolution:

Processing file 3g7d6blt.DDR SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER 1/18/2006 2:47:44 PM 4060 (0x0FDC)
Processing #4687... SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER 1/18/2006 2:47:44 PM 4060 (0x0FDC)
CDiscoverySource::VerifyClientPublicKeys - Public key does not exist for client GUID:F9BF6562-8C0D-4156-B9B7-3228E222CC4A. SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER 1/18/2006 2:47:44 PM 4060 (0x0FDC)
==>Name = SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER 1/18/2006 2:47:44 PM 4060 (0x0FDC)
*** IF EXISTS (select GUID from MachineIdGroupXRef where MachineID = 4687 and ArchitectureKey = 5 ~) update MachineIdGroupXRef set MachineID = 4687, ArchitectureKey = 5, GroupKey = 1, GUID = " GUID:F9BF6562-8C0D-4156-B9B7-3228E222CC4A" where MachineID = 4687 and ArchitectureKey = 5~ ELSE insert into MachineIdGroupXRef (MachineID, ArchitectureKey, GroupKey, GUID) values (4687, 5, 1, " GUID:F9BF6562-8C0D-4156-B9B7-3228E222CC4A" ) SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER 1/18/2006 2:47:44 PM 4060 (0x0FDC)

This file 3g7d6blt.DDR seemed to have been corrupted was hanging SMS from processing any additional DDR' s.

The GUID for this computer SOM-TINWIN had mismatching GUID' s in the System_DISC and MachineIdGroupXRef tables in SQL. This was identified by the following query in SQL:

select sys.Netbios_Name0 from System_DISC sys join MachineIdGroupXRef xref on sys.ItemKey=xref.MachineID where IsNULL(SMS_Unique_Identifier0,' ' ) != IsNULL(GUID,' ' )

So basically, stop the Executive service, renmae the bad DDR file and remove the database entries for mismatched GUID' s with the following query:

delete sys from System_DISC sys join MachineIdGroupXRef xref on sys.ItemKey=xref.MachineID where IsNULL(SMS_Unique_Identifier0,' ' ) != IsNULL(GUID,' ' )

Start up the Executive service and the ddm.log was clear and processing DDR' s.
Tom_Watson -> RE: SMS Discovery Data Manager (1/24/2008 4:26:32 AM)

Some additional piece of work I have used to make sure this doesn't re-occur with simply processing DDRs from the same broken machine:-

2. Find the actual offending client, and run CCMCLEAN.EXE on it. I also delete the %windir%\SMSCFG.ini file.
3. Go into the SMS\inboxes\auth\ and find any other DDR files for the offending client. Delete them.
5. Use sjones925 process above to get the Discovery Data Manager processing DDRs again.
6. Make sure the offending resource record is deleted from SMS, including all parent sites.
7. Reinstall the SMS agent on the offending machine.
8. Restart SMS_DATA_DISCOVERY_MANAGER thread. Monitor the DDM.LOG to make sure it doesn't lock up the Discovery Data Manager again.

Tom Watson


Tom_Watson -> RE: SMS Discovery Data Manager (4/15/2009 5:51:12 PM)

I noticed that there is a KB article that explains some of this also.

Tom Watson

Another link to view:


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